Operator Name: Umniah
Country: Jordan
Subscribers database: 4.5 million
Visit Website: www.umniah.com
As one of the most successful telecom operators to enter the Jordanian telecommunications market, Umniah stands for innovation and dynamism founded on the highest possible level of customer and market focus. Since its launch in June 2005, Umniah, which is 96% owned by Batelco Group, has achieved a strong presence in the telecom market by offering high-quality mobile, internet and business solutions.
In 2015 Umniah invested heavily to enhance its network capabilities by introducing a 4G wireless network to complement its existing 3.75G network. Maintaining steady growth in the areas of mobile and Internet subscriptions, Umniah boosted the Jordanian mobile market penetration from 38% in 2005 to more than 157% in 2016, proving itself as a driving force in the expansion of the ICT sector.
Umniah continues to expand on yearly basis and is distinguished in establishing strategic partnerships with many international players like Cisco, Microsoft CSP, and IBM Security in order to offer exclusive services to its customers.