One more launch in A1 Group – A1 Macedonia goes live with MCA + NAM platform from Unifun
Unifun is excited to announce the launch of MCA and NAM platform in A1 Macedonia’s network on 5 May 2023.
MCA and NAM platform is entitled to bring a range of benefits to both A1 and its subscribers. The platform is available by default to all A1’s subscribers absolutely FREE, giving possibility:
MCA (Missed Call Alert) – this feature ensures that subscribers are promptly informed about missed calls resulting from their unavailability, such as being out of coverage or busy. By receiving these notifications, A1’s subscribers can stay updated on the calls they’ve missed and take appropriate action.
NAM ( Notify About Me) – this feature informs subscribers when previously unreachable contacts become available on the network. This functionality enhances communication by letting subscribers know when their contacts are ready to receive calls. After receiving such notifications, 20-30% of subscribers make callbacks, generating additional revenue to Mobile Operator.
Moreover, MCA & NAM notifications can serve as a strong promotional channel for A1, giving possibility to Operator to add advertising texts in SMS right after informative text.
With the MCA and NAM platform, A1 aims to enhance user experience and foster stronger connections among its subscribers. Now A1 Macedonia is confident that its customers will never miss important calls!