The new communication channel in AWCC Afghanistan!
New opportunities are now available for AWCC subscribers, as Unifun launched the Balance+ platform for them! This direct marketing tool helps operator to communicate with subscribers by adding advertising tails to balance check requests.
Starting from this moment it will be easier for AWCC to meet subscribers’ needs when choosing between advertising offers, as our platform is equipped with built-in targeting criteria. This means that upon each balance check request, subscribers will see advertising tails with the most suitable information customized depending on their balance, tariff plan, balance of Voice/SMS/Internet bundles, etc.
Another amazing advantage of Balance+ is its interactivity option. There is no need for subscribers to memorize activation codes! The product they liked can be activated on the go within the same USSD session.
Simplicity and effectiveness are real with Unifun and we hope AWCC Afghanistan will appreciate our Balance+ platform!