Moov Chat helps people make new friends and meet like-minded people in Moov Benin!
Meeting new and interesting people is easy with Moov Chat! From the 7th of September 2021, Moov Benin can easily meet like-minded people, expand their social circle or make friends using this entertainment portal.
By dialing short IVR number 7101, subscribers get to the IVR menu, where they can choose from the proposed subscriptions periods. After activating the service, they can create personal profile, listen to other users’ profiles, communicate with each other via voice messages, add contacts in Friends and much-much more. For more convenience, also the USSD number *222# can be used for service activation.
Moov Chat does not require internet connection or external applications! Subscribers can use the portal anytime and anywhere, without paying for voice traffic.
Unifun’s service is meant to brighten life with new meetings, so be prepared for a whirlwind of feelings and emotions!