Balance+ is the new game-changing promo channel in A1!
Happy news: Unifun is now collaborating with A1 Serbia on boosting their promotional strategy with Balance+ platform.
Subscribers generate millions of USSD balance check requests monthly. This is a huge channel that can be used to promote mobile operator’s value-added services!
The Balance+ platform allows inserting advertising texts (tails) in the response message of the USSD balance check service. These tails are especially effective due to built-in targeting options. Subscribers only get the most relevant service offers customised for each of them individually, depending on their balance, tariff plan, active bundles, etc.
Moreover, Balance+ makes service activation so much easier for subscribers: they can do it “on the go” within the same USSD session, by simply pressing the required key. No need to remember any USSD/SMS/IVR short codes for activation!
From now on, reaching subscribers with only the most interesting offers will be much more simple and effective!